Young specialists joined the staff of Inteco MC


A special event aimed at adaptation of young specialists in the new team, acquaintance with the specifics of the enterprise, colleagues and management was held in the Company.

In solemn atmosphere, the boys received the honorary certificates of oilmen and gave the “Oath of a Young Specialist”. “This is a very important step in your life – you are joining the team of oilmen. And it’s a great honor for us to work in the company Inteco, in a friendly and professional team, “the head of the Company’s oil production department congratulated the young specialists. – The opportunities for knowledge and talents implementation are not limited, if there is a desire for this. I wish each of you to perform professionalism, dedication and successfully build your career.”

Young people in Inteco MC make big bets. The development and support of potential employees is one of the main directions of the company’s strategy and it begins with a student’s bench. Providing an opportunity of passing paid industrial practice to students of higher and secondary special educational institutions is the initial stage of attracting young professionals to the enterprise. In 2019 200 students passed the practice, which was supervised by qualified specialists of the company’s structural divisions. Possibility of further employment of young specialists in Inteco MC was determined according to the practice results.

In addition, for the comfortable adaptation of newly arrived youth to the Corporation’s enterprises, the Council of Young Specialists has been established and it is actively working. Inteco MC annually recruits yesterday’s graduates of higher and secondary special educational institutions. So, in 2019 30 certified specialists were employed. They are the future of the enterprise and the successors of traditions. Today 46% of the Inteco MC employees are under 35 years.

The involvement and professional development of young specialists is one of the priorities of the Inteco personnel policy. The company actively identifies young professionals’ potential and develops priority professional technical skills and knowledge. The company encourages the aspirations of young specialists for professional growth, assists in organizing their participation in scientific and technical conferences, cultural and sport events.

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