Kazakhstan explores ways to strengthen Kazakh and German cooperation in subsoil use and geology


According to the Kazakh Prime Minister’s press service, the online meeting was attended by managers and representatives of more than 100 leading German companies, including Siemens, Linde, Knauf, Lufthansa etc.

In his speech, Deputy Prime Minister Roman Sklyar informed partners from Germany about the reforms of the Government of Kazakhstan in the field of geology and subsoil use in order to increase competitiveness, create market conditions for investors, improve the professional and technological level of the industry.

Sklyar noted that in the conditions of post-crisis development, special attention will be paid to the issues of economic diversification and the creation of new industrial production. Active work in this direction is carried out within the framework of the Intergovernmental Agreement “On Partnership in Raw Materials, Industrial and Technological Spheres between Kazakhstan and Germany”, signed Feb. 8, 2012, within the framework of the visit of the 1st Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev to Germany.

The investment potential in the field of mining and smelting was presented by the deputy akims of Pavlodar and Karaganda regions. The heads of the Ministries of Industry and Infrastructure Development, Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources, the Investment Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and NC KAZAKH INVEST took part in the meeting.

The German side was represented by Executive Director of German Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations Michael Harms. He noted the importance of strengthening bilateral economic ties in raw materials cooperation, the implementation of joint projects for the production and processing of products.

Federal Government Commissioner of Germany for Raw Materials Thomas Gäckle also emphasized the relevance of trade, economic and investment cooperation between the 2 countries. Representative of the Federation of German Industries (BDI) Matthias Wachter, Managing Director of Hermann Paus Maschinenfabrik GmbH Franz-Josef Paus and Head of the EBRD Representative Office in Kazakhstan Agris Preimanis paid special attention to the prospects for participation in the development of mining and metallurgical complex in Kazakhstan.

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