Perm scientists have developed a technology to reduce the consumption of demulsifier during oil production


The study of Perm scientists from Perm Polytechnic University will reduce the cost of oil production. This was reported by the press service of the university.

According to the results of the tests, an article was published in the journal Geosystem Engineering, which tells about choosing the right demulsifier and its dosage.

Many oil fields, including Permian, are in the late stages of development, which leads to an increase in the share of water in production and the creation of an oil-water emulsion, which complicates the extraction, transportation and preparation of raw materials. To combat this problem, demulsifiers are used – chemical compounds that separate immiscible liquids. The choice of the most suitable reagent and the method of its use is extremely important for effective control of the emulsion.

Scientists have presented a new technique for introducing a demulsifier, which reduces its consumption several times and increases the quality of emulsion separation. Laboratory studies on a sample of oil and water from one of the oil fields of the Perm Region allowed us to choose a more effective reagent, which increased the proportion of separated water by 10% while reducing the consumption of the demulsifier by 2 times.

The device developed on the basis of numerical simulation data for supplying chemical reagents through a special nozzle increases the efficiency of their use due to uniform distribution in the emulsion flow. Industrial tests have shown a reduction in demulsifier consumption by up to 60%. Scientists note that the choice of the method of feeding the demulsifier plays a key role in its effectiveness.

The use of the developed system allowed to reduce the consumption of reagents by 25-60% while maintaining the technological parameters of operation. Scientists of Perm Polytechnic University have chosen the optimal variant of a demulsifier, whose consumption is 2 times lower than other analogues.

They were also able to reduce the consumption of the reagent by changing the method of administration.

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