Construction of a new well using artificial intelligence technologies began at the East Messoyakh field


According to the general director of «Messoyakhaneftegas» Alexey Kan, this is a unique program for Russia of the full cycle.

The first digital drilling project in the Arctic is realized on the deep and difficult to develop Achimov horizons. Digitalization of drilling is an evolutionarily stage. A software package has been integrated into the drilling rig, which, in autopilot mode, allows to perform standard drilling operations taking into account geological parameters and dynamic processes occurring in the formation during the construction of wells. The success is doubly valuable because the drilling was carried out at a depth of three thousand meters – it is the Achimov oil-bearing horizon, one of the most difficult to develop.

The digital drilling project has shown that automation systems can really replace humans, in some operations – completely. This allows you to get away from manual control and increase the safety and speed of processes. For example, rotary drilling, measurements using telesystems, selection of modes to maintain maximum mechanical speed and correct operation of downhole equipment – these stages can really be effectively automated by 100%.

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