The LNG complex will appear in the Tomsk region


Glavgosexpertiza approved the design and estimate documentation for the third stage of the construction of the complex.

A natural gas liquefaction complex will be built in the Tomsk Region. Glavgosexpertiza of Russia issued a positive opinion on the project.

The complex will be located in the Shegarsk district of the Tomsk region, and its construction is part of the Program for the development of gas supply and gasification of the region for the period 2021-2025.

The main purpose of the complex is to prepare and liquefy natural gas, which comes from the main gas pipeline “Parabel-Kuzbass” and will be used as an alternative source of gas supply for remote areas not covered by main gas pipelines.

The developer of the complex is Gazprom Mezhregiongaz, and the general designer and general contractor is Gazprom LNG Technologies.

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